Hannah Recommends:Books For Pride Month


So it’s a pride month and I thought that I’d recommend some awesome queer books!!! I left out some of my favorites just because those are the ones that always get talked about *cough*primarilybecausetheyrem/mandpeoplelovetofetishize*cough* so I thought that I’d recommend some titles that I believe need more love!

1.The Summer Of Jodi Perez by Amy Spalding

Rep: Fat Lesbian MC and Mexican Lesbian LI

The Summer of Jodi Perez is the perfect cutesy summer contemporary filled with adorable romance, great friends and a search for the best burger in LA!

2. How To Make A Wish by Ashley Blake

Rep: Bi MC and Biracial Lesbian LI.

How To Make A Wish has such a beautiful romance but it also delves in some very tough issues and explores some really interesting family dynamics. The balance between seriousness and fluff is great and is guaranteed to make you feel a multitude of emotions.

3. Not Otherwise Specified By Hannah Moskowitz

Rep: Bisexual Anorexic Black MC

I’ve only read one of Hannah Moskowitz’s books but Not Otherwise Specified was so amazing that I know that she’s an amazing writer and I can’t wait to read her other books. She writes with such honesty and NOS is so raw and beautiful and such a great contemporary!!

4.Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Katherine Ormsbee

Rep: Asexual MC

This is the only book I’ve ever read with ace rep and I love it so much and it means so much to me. it’s such a great contemporary and I really hope that this book sparks may others like it

5. Ten Things I Can See From Here by  Carrie Mac

Rep: Lesbian Mc with anxiety. Lesbian( I’m pretty sure but I can’t remember for sure though) LI

The anxiety rep in this is phenomenal but it was very hard to read and could be triggering for some people so watch out. If you’re able to read it though, Id highly recommend it because it’s a great and heartfelt read.

6. Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde

Rep: Chinese Australian Bisexual MC.Fat MC with Asperger’s and Anxiety.Hispanic LI.

This is such a fun book about fandom is a great book filled with amazing characters. The diversity in this is phenonemal and both romances were swoon worthy.

7.Radio Silence by Alice Oseman

Rep: Bisexual Biracial Mc, Demisexual side character, Gay Korean side character.

Alice Oseman is one of the few contemporary authors that really really gets teens and that’s probably because she’s pretty young herself but she just understand fandom culture and teen struggles like no other YA author. All of the characters are precious cinnamon rolls and I love them so much. Also this is a book that’s not centered around romance and is just about a boy and a girl who are friends!!! and their friendship is beautiful!!!!!

8. More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera

Rep: Gay Latino Main Character

Adam Silvera is the king of tragic stories that will make you cry your eyes out. They’re definitely not for everyone because they’re very emotional and could be triggering but they truly are amazing. I love them all but More Happy Than Not is definitely my favorite. It’s set in such an interesting and unique world and the characters are all so complex and I just love it so much.

9. Wild Beauty by Anne Marie Mclemore

Rep:  Almost all of the characters are latinx and though it’s not stated explicitely, I’m pretty sure that all five of the main characters are bi, and there’s a genderqueer side character.

I’ve read two of Mclemore’s books and she truly has a gift and is able to weave such beautiful stories. Her writing is like the purest candy and you just can’t ever get enough of it.  She’s one of the most talented writers I’ve ever met. Wild Beauty was such a beautiful and lyrical story with such an interesting plot. The magical realism is phenonemal and the characters are all so complex.

10. Little & Lion by Brandy Colbert

Rep: Black,Jewish and Bisexual MC, Side Character Who Is bipolar, Black and Koreon Love Interest

This is such an interesting book filled with complex discussions about mental illness, sexuality and family. The family dynamics in this was so interesting and it was honestly my favorite part about the story. The diversity in this book was super great  and I especially appreciated the jewish rep which is so rare in YA.

11. We Are The Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson

Rep: Gay Mc. Pansexual(?) Latinx LI

This is the first arc I ever received so this has a special place in my heart. It’s such a beautiful book with one of the most unique premises I’ve ever read. I remember that I was a little put off by it at first but once I really got into it, I fell in love with the writing, the characters and just everything about this book. It’s such an interesting book filled with heartbreaking moments.

12. Like Water by Rebecca Podos

Rep: Bisexual and Latina MC. Genderqueer  Lesbian Li.

This book is so different from other YA contemporaries that I usually read and I really appreciated that. I loved how the MC followed a path that was very different from what is usually portrayed in YA. I also really loved how the MC’s sexuality and race played a role in the story and found it to be a very authentic and beautiful representation.

13. Everything Leads To You by  Nina Lacour

Rep: Lesbian Biracial MC. Lesbian LI.

This book has the best aesthetic ever and I can totally imagine it being a movie and I would die if that ever happened. It’s such a great read with a really interesting mystery. The romance is so adorable and has everything that a good contemporary needs.

Have You Read Any Of These Books? What Books Do You Recommend For Pride?





Scythe+ Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman Book Review *No-Spoilers*

Goodreads Summary of Scythe:

Thou shalt kill.

A world with no hunger, no disease, no war, no misery. Humanity has conquered all those things, and has even conquered death. Now scythes are the only ones who can end life—and they are commanded to do so, in order to keep the size of the population under control.

Citra and Rowan are chosen to apprentice to a scythe—a role that neither wants. These teens must master the “art” of taking life, knowing that the consequence of failure could mean losing their own.

Rating For Both Books: 5/5 Stars

There are few authors that I trust to write a truly amazing dystopian and Neal Shusterman is one of them. I didn’t think that anything could surpass how mind blowingly awesome the Unwind series was but he outdid himself. I kept on seeing Scythe around but for some reason it didn’t appeal to me that much?? I don’t know why since Shusterman is an absolute genius. I decided to pick up Scythe on a whim and oh my god I’m so glad that I did. I cannot remember the last time that a book has enraptured me at this level. For the most part when I read a book that’s part of a series and the next book isn’t coming out for awhile, I don’t care that much and can survive but I don’t know how to survive until 2019!!!!! The ending for Thunderhead was amazing and I need the next one so badly. I need to know what’s going to happen to all my amazing cinnamon roll children.

I feel like we’ve reached a point in literature where there’s really no such thing as an original idea and there will always be some element that has been done before but Scythe had such an interesting and unique concept. A world where death, illness and chaos has been eradicated due to this sentient AI type being called The Thunderhead? The idea of needing to keep the population under control so having these scythes who are the only people who are not subject to the rules of The Thunderhead? This concept is so interesting and I’m probably going to be thinking about this world  for the next year because there’s so much to think about. Shusterman is a master world builder and every tiny detail of the world is fascinating and I could honestly read a huge volume all about this world. It’s so well done that this future seems kind of plausible and that’s kind of terrifying to think about.

One of my favorite parts of the book were the interlude type entries that occurred in between chapters. In the first book they were entries from The Scythe’s journals while in the second book they were commentaries from The Thunderhead. Though they were very short, they were so interesting and it was really in those short writings that made me think the most. Some intense truth bombs were dropped.

Shusterman knows how to write series and not once during Thunderhead did I feel like it was suffering from Second Book Syndrome. His books are unpredictable which makes you always on the edge of your seat. I love how consistently good his books are and I know that the third book will be just as amazing as the first two.

While the concept is the thing that really drives this series, all of the characters are really interesting. The two main characters Rowan and Citra are both trying to fight for the greater good but they go about it in different ways which makes for a really interesting dynamic where the reader questions how good these characters actually are. I loved them both and they were just so precious. I also really liked the different scythe characters especially Scythe Curie and Scythe Farraday. The villain scythes were also very interesting and though we didn’t really see much of their backstory, their reasoning behind their actions was very concerning. I also loved seeing what different historical figures the scythes chose to be  named after.

All in all I highly recommend this series if you’re looking for a morally complicated dystopian series that will leave you thinking long after you finish reading it.

Have You Read Scythe? Do You Plan To? Let Me Know In The Comments Down Below!

The Books I Read In My Childhood

So I’ve been an avid reader since I was a kid. I mean my parents owned a bookstore when I was to three to the age of five so how could I not be? Honestly for the most part  I cannot for the life of me remember the books I read but there are some that stick out. I actually didn’t read Harry Potter until I was about 11 and even then I did so out of order ( I read Order of the Phoenix last). Anyway HP wasn’t a huge part of my childhood but here are seven books/ series that were.

  1. Little House on The Prarie by Laura Ingalls Wilder

These were one of the first long books that was read to me and later as the series progressed, that I read myself.   Whenever I think of it, it brings back lots of nostalgia. I know that if I were to read it now, I’d probably find lots of things because the pioneers were racist af but as a child I didn’t see that and merely enjoyed the story.

2.  The Trumpet Of The Swan by E.B White

I loved all  three of E.B White books about animals but I think that The Trumpet of The Swan was the best one.  There’s just something so interesting and unique about a trumpet that plays the swan which enthralled me as a kid and does to this day. White truly knows how to write emotional and wonderful stories about animals.

3. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.W Lewis

These books used to be my favorite thing ever. I love them so much, loved reading about Narnia and Aslan and the kids and every book was amazing.  I didn’t realize that it was an allegory to the Bible and I’m kind of scared to ever go back to rereading them because I feel like it could ruin the magic of Narnia for me.

4. Animal Ark by Ben M. Baglio

Okay so I’m really sure if these books are something that many people read as a kid but I just remember having a bunch of these about different animals and devouring them. It was basically about a girl whose parents owned a vet clinic and each book would have a different conflict with a different problem. They were so much fun!

5. Holocaust Books

Idk if this is just a Jewish kid thing but I used to love Holocaust’s books when I was like 8-9 years old. They weren’t necessarily popular books, just books that my dad would find at a charity store. One of them that stood out was Clara’s War By Kathy Kacer. It’s been such a long time since I read it but the plot of the book is still very much imprinted in my mind. It definitely was a heavy read for someone as young as me but I think that it’s important for everyone to read.

6. The Baby Sitter’s Club by Ann M. Martin

These books were the SHIT. They were so cool, I loved them so much. Also I heard that there’s going to be a T.V series?? I’m so down. It was such a cool concept with some really interesting characters and I loved it so much. They were the best young entrepreneurs and they’re probably running the world right now.

7. Nancy Drew by Carrolyn Keene

I am a Nancy Drew stan first and a human second. These books are probably my first fandom. I still have about 15 old ass copies of the books, a huge guide to Nancy Drew, a couple of how to guides about Nancy Drew and that Nancy Drew movie with Emma Roberts (which was soo cool!!) I love this series so much and Nancy Drew is such a badass.  She is the reason that I’m still terrified of black widows.

What About You? What Books Did You Read As A Kid?



In Which I Talk About The Music I Love

So though I pretty much listen to the same song over and over again ans my music taste is very basic,  I’d thought I’d write a post about the type of music I enjoy. I love to listen to music while studying, doing homework, writing and reading and it just really helps me destress,


Favorite Albums


1. Blue Neighborhood by Troye Sivan

I’ve been following Troye Sivan for quite awhile and used to love to watch the videos he made when he was still a frequent youtuber. I remember listening to Happy Little Pill when it first came out and really liking it but I only really got into his first album and I love every single song on it. Troye writes such raw and emotional songs and they break me everytime I listen to them.  He’s coming to Montreal in the fall and I’m seriously considering going.

2. Love, Simon Official Soundtrack

At this point my brand is stanning The Book Thief and Love, Simon so  I just had to mention something Love, Simon related. This soundtrack is so lit. Literally every single song is perfect and I love listening to it because then I get to think about the movie. I’m never going to hear I Want To Dance With Somebody without thinking about that glorious dance number.

3. Hamilton Official Cast Album

Two years later and I’m still as obsessed with Hamilton as I am when I first started listening to it. Lin Manuel Miranda is a genius and I envy him for being so amazing with words. All of the songs in this musical are perfect and create such a beautiful story. Eliza Hamilton deserved better.

4. Badlands by Halsey

Honestly the first time I listened to this album I wasn’t a huge fan and only really checked her out because everyone was talking about her. I found it really crude and just not my thing but her songs have really grown on me. I don’t really relate to anything that goes on in her songs but there’s still bops and I love all of the songs on this album.

5. Mania by Fall Out Boy

Though I love all of their album’s, I’m pretty sure this is my favorite. They’ve really grown since their first album while still keeping that weird quirky vibe that makes them so amazing.  There’s a really large variety on this album and  though I wasn’t a fan of all of the songs at first, they’ve all grown on me.

Favorite Songs


1.American Pie by Don McLean.

I only really just got into this song but I love this song so much. It’s very long and kind of repetitive but that refrain is A+. Also I love this song 1000x more after reading They Both Die At The  End and will always think about my precious children Matteo and Rufus.

2. Evermore From Beauty and The Beast Live Action.

As for as I know this is the only original song that wasn’t in the original animated version and I love it so muchy. It’s so raw and emotional and just aghhhh it gets me everytime.  The BATB live action is beautiful and this song just makes it all the more beautiful.

3. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

This song is a ride from start  to finish and is such a mood. I love how there are so many parts that really shouldn’t work together but they somehow fit perfectly. Queen is a legendary band and Bohemian Rhapsody just proves it.

4. Bouncy Ball From Bad Lip Reading.

Okay so this one isn’t that serious( except it kind of it and I love this song so much) but basically bouncy ball is part of this larger video that this youtube channel Bad Lip Reading did of High School Musical. It’s like a minute long and it’s so catchy and hilarious and I really love it. My music tastes are really weird I don’t even know.

5.  JetPack Blues

This is definitely my favorite Fall Out Boy song. It’s so melancholic and beautiful and emotional  and perfect and I love it so much.

Favorite Bands


1.Fall Out Boy

FOB is my favorite band of all time and I just love them so much. All of their songs are so interesting and different from everything that I’m used to hearing. I love that you never know what to expect when listening to a Fall Out Boy song and while they kind of have a distinct style, each song is very different from one another. They’re truly amazing and I can’t wait to see what they do next.

2. Imagine Dragons.

I had this weird phase when I was in grade seven and eight where I said I didn’t like music???? Idk I was weird. Anyways Imagine Dragons was pretty much the only music I listened to for a long time and while I’ve kind of grown out of them and don’t listen to them as much as I used to, I still really love them. Demons and Radioactive are classics and I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of them. They’re one of the few people I’ve seen in concerts so they really mean a lot to me.

3.Panic! At The Disco

Okay so i know that P!ATD is only comprised of Brendon Urie now but I still consider it a band. Panic is another band that is really unqieu and different and I just like their songs a lot. Brendon Urie’s voice is A+ and I’m so excited for his new album to come out.


Who doesn’t like ABBA? All of their songs are fucking amazing and bops and I truly believe that heaven is a non stop dance party with only ABBA songs. Mamma Mia is the best thing  ever and I’m so excited for the sequel. Also ABBA is coming out with new music this fall and I’m dying because 2018 is truly the best year.

5. Mumford & Sons.

Though I’ve always been familiar with their popular songs like Little Lion Man and I Will Wait, I only just discovered their other songs and I really really like them. They’re very soft and restrained and they’re really comforting to listen to.

Favorite Singers.


  1. Dua Lipa

I’m not exactly sure what it is about her that I love so much but once I listened to New Rules, I had to listen to all of her other songs and I love all of them. She has a beautiful voice and her songs are really catchy and fun.

2. Shawn Mendes

Not only is he cute and Canadian, he’s also a really good singer. His songs are really nice and almost have a sort of lullaby vibe to them if that makes sense. They’re just really soothing and I really enjoy listening to his songs.

3. Halsey

I pretty much said everything I wanted to say about her when I talked about Badlands but I just really love her songs and her voice and the subjects she broaches in her songs. She’s a biracial bisexual icon and I love her.

4.Taylor Swift

I know everyone hates on her but idk why because her songs are fucking great. I remember me and my friends making up dance routines to You Belong With Me and though I kind of forgot about her as I grew older, I recently started listening to her older songs and I really love them. They’re just really fun to listen to and she’s a great singer. It’s also really interesting to see her evolve.

5. Hayley Kiyoko.

I fell in love with Kiyoko’s music and everything she does when I first watched the Girls Like Girls music video and my love has amplified for her ever since. I love how queer her music is and she’s such an icon.  I stan  the beautiful Lesbian Jesus.

What’s Your Go-To Music? Do You Like Any Of The Music I Mentioned?



What To Do When You Are No Longer The Intended Audience of The Books You Love.


So I’m 18 and a half and while this has sparked tons of terrifying thoughts about the future and responsibilities, it also has made me realize that the majority of the books I read aren’t marketed towards me and aren’t about people my age which is frankly kind of weird. I never thought that I’d be in a position where I look at characters who are in their junior year and think to myself “wow they’re so young”. I always thought that I’d relate to their stories but high school isn’t my reality anymore so when I read about people going to prom or graduating, it’s  disconcerting for me to compare it to my own experiences. These moments  always seemed so far away to me but I’ve lived them and they’re over and that’s so weird. I think it’s especially bizarre for me because I live in Quebec and though in any other province or state, I’d be getting ready for University in Quebec instead we have a two year program that’s called  Cegep. So I’ve been living on my own for a year now and sometimes I wish that we didn’t live in such an American Centric society because I would have loved to read a YA book about CEGEP so I could feel a little bit better about my situation. Who knows? Maybe I’ll write one one day. Anyway all this to say I thought that I’d write a discussion on my thoughts of no longer being able to relate as much to the YA books I love so.

I’m never going to stop loving YA books. I mean sure I read adult books and I love a lot of them but I find that there’s just so much more books that I enjoy that are in the YA demographic. YA books are amazing cause they portray so many different experiences that I’ve never seen being portrayed in adult books. Plus there’s nothing quite like the cure of a good contemporary YA novel to get me out of a reading slump. Young adult books will always be the books I reach for and I can’t wait to see how they evolve as the years go on.  I also know that there’s going to come a time where I’m going to look at these characters and their decisions and maybe I won’t be as empathetic as I used to be. I just hope that when that day comes, I will realize that that’s because I’m no longer a teen and I won’t judge them for being young. It has already started to occur and I’m trying to be as introspective as possible. I also hope that if I continue to write reviews on this blog that my reviews will not be jaded.

This is not as applicable to me  because I really don’t interact that much with the people in the bookish community but it’s also really important for adults to respect teens boundaries. This is first and foremost their space and for adults to butt in is and act as if they’re far superior is really annoying and immature. An Adult can enjoy Young Adult books while respecting the actual teens who read YA.

What Are Your Thoughts? How Do You Feel About No Longer Being The Intended Audience Of Books You Love?


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