Life Update

So I haven’t written a blog post since June, which is quite awhile to go without blogging; at least for me. Part of the reason is due to a lack of motivation, but another reason is that I’ve been quite busy these past few months which is honestly kind of a rarity in my very mundane life. So I thought that today I’d write a post, chronicling what I’ve been up to and what are my plans for the near future. I’m still struggling to find the motivation to blog, so I thought that writing this might help me get back in the swing of things.

1. I Went to Paris!

So as a little graduation present to myself, I decided to go to Paris a city that I’ve always wanted to go to, and I thought that I may as well go now while I have the time and the means to do so. I went all by myself which was honestly kind of terrifying at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was super fun! Paris is such a beautiful city filled with amazing culture and beautiful sites. It was so cool to see in person all the incredible artworks that I had studied in college. All in all, it was a great first travel experience and I can’t wait to see where I go next. Also the story behind the photo is that my dad thought that it would be a great idea to get a big cutout of his head so I could bring it Paris and take pictures with it in front of famous monuments. The amount of looks I got from onlookers was hilarious.

2. I Worked at a Summer Camp!

So for two months, I worked as a camp counselor at a camp for underprivileged children. Working here was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but it was also the most rewarding experience of my life. The amount of mental breakdowns I had were astronomical and some of the kids I had were absolute nightmares, but it was somehow all worth it in the end. As the weeks went along, the campers and staff began to feel like family. Sure they got on my nerves occasionally, but the good overshadowed all of that. It’s been a month since I finished, and I can’t help but miss the late-night card games, dining hall meals and all the people that made the experience so special. I pushed myself in ways I never could have imagined and came out of the experience a better person. I really hope that I get to back next year because it’s an experience that I’ll never forget.

3. I Went to a Shawn Mendes Concert!

So I’m kind of a die hard Shawn Mendes fan, so when I saw that he was coming to Montreal I knew I had to go. My sister and I bought tickets back in October and had been eagerly anticipating the concert ever since. The day of the concert comes around, and we get there a little early to avoid the crowds. We had really shitty seats and were like in the second to last row. So me and my sister are just sitting there when this guy comes up to us and asks us if we want better seats. He then proceeds to explain to us how he works for Shawn Mendes and that his job is to find fans in the top seats and bring them down to the floor. He then brings me and my sister to the floor where he gives us… front seat tickets. Shawn Mendes was like 15 feet away from me and we exchanged eye contact: it was insane. It was definitely the craziest day of my life and I had such a blast.

4. I Started University.

I started my first year at university, studying education. It’s been kind of a weird transition and it’s definitely odd to only have like one class a day, but I’m starting to get into the swing of it! I joined one of the school newspapers which I’m really excited about!! I really can’t wait to see what the next four years hold for me.

So that’s it! A little life update. I know these events don’t seem like much, but typically the highlight of my month is eating ice-cream so this was a pretty eventful summer. I really want to get back in the swing of blogging and hope to crank out some reviews and discussion posts in the next little while

How Was Your Summer? Anything Exciting Happening in your Life? Read Any Good Books? Let Me Know In The Comments Down Below!

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